This program is a collaborative opportunity for organizations that are interested in a certain broad area.
Organizations that have very specific requirements for projects that are typically between 1-3 years in duration adopt the Sponsored Research program.
Interested in acquiring one of our technologies? See our current technologies.
Members of our affiliate program get access to our latest research and technology events.
Download our complete brochure here.
Open endowments augment our perpetual fund whose interest is used by the institute for its most pressing needs. For more details, contact office[dot]rnd[at]iiit[dot]ac[dot]in.
Sponsor a faculty in an area relevant to your organization. This will be recognized in all publications by the faculty. For more details, contact office[dot]rnd[at]iiit[dot]ac[dot]in.
An institute with great ambitions, IIIT Hyderabad needs infrastructure support to increase its educational and research activities.
Students are never turned away from IIIT-H for lack of funds. Help us support the future technology leaders. For more details, contact office[dot]rnd[at]iiit[dot]ac[dot]in.
Our faculty and students are heavily published in international conferences and journals. Support their travel so these technology ambassadors can make a mark across the world.
Download our complete brochure here.
Dean R&D
Manager, Outreach & RnD Office
Assistant Manager, Dean (R&D) Office